MAECON brings together a unique multidisciplinary group of highly cited academic experts’.
Pharmaceutical industry
For medication to be optimally used and patients experiencing maximum clinical effects, proper medication adherence is essential. MAECON has wide experience with pharmacoepidemiological studies, together with designing and assessing medication adherence intervention programs and tools for a wide range of drugs, clinical indications and administration routes. We can assess medication adherence and real-world outcomes with a variety of methods, offer adherence advise tailored to the medication, design personalized interventions and assess its clinical and/or economic benefits in clinical trials.
Services offered include:
- Advise on optimal monitoring and ensuring adherence in clinical drug trials
- Assess the clinical and economic burden of medication nonadherence across different therapeutic areas
- Assess adherence to current medication using a variety of methods (pharmacy dispense records, surveys, digital measurement or bioanalytical measurement)
- Advise on adherence innovations from a healthcare professional and/or patient perspective (e.g. usability and preference studies)
- Validate digital drug use data generated with bioanalytical data (e.g. analysis of drug concentrations in blood, saliva, urine or hair)
- Design, perform and assess adherence intervention programs, trainings and tools for healthcare professionals
- Perform objective clinical patient outcome trials for pharmaceutical company adherence innovations (e.g. pilot clinical studies, feasibility studies and confirmatory randomized controlled clinical trials)
- Advise on follow-up, improvements (also next phase trials) and business cases (e.g. cost-effectiveness, budget impact and potential reimbursement pathways) in adherence technology development
Our clients: Pharmaceutical industry clients we have worked with include AstraZeneca (Sweden), Chiesi (Italy), GlaxoSmithKline (United Kingdom), Novartis (Switzerland), Pfizer (USA), Teva (Israel) and Vertex (USA).
Our projects: The pharmaceutical industry projects we have worked on include an adherence toolkit for asthma/COPD patients using inhaled medication, a randomized clinical trial of a novel digital inhaler in primary care, an adherence improvement strategy report for patients using growth hormones, educational webinars and workshops on medication adherence for healthcare professionals, the design and set-up of a real-world registry study for digital inhalers and the assessment of budget impact and cost-effectiveness of a digital inhaler.