MAECON brings together a unique multidisciplinary group of highly cited academic experts’.
For medication to be optimally used and for patients to experience the maximum clinical effects, proper medication adherence is essential. MAECON can offer support in making the most out of your prescribed medicines. We work closely with patient organizations, but we also actively reach out to patients to understand medication related problems in order to design the optimal solution for each person. This starts with topic awareness, data insights into nonadherence prevalence, determinants and burdens, as well as the provision of evidence based effective adherence, enhancing interventions. If you have a specific request, do not hesitate to contact us and we can offer a tailor made solution.
Services offered include:
- Raising awareness on medication adherence in a specific clinical area
- Benchmark healthcare professionals’ and patients´ best practices
- Design, perform and assess adherence intervention programs and support tools
- Assess the clinical and economic burden of medication nonadherence across different therapeutic areas
- Assess adherence to current medication using a variety of methods (pharmacy dispense records, surveys, digital measurement or bioanalytical measurement)
Our clients/partners: Lung Alliance Netherlands (LAN), Longkanker Nederland
Projects: see here