MAECON has recently completed a usability study assessing the Test of Adherence to Inhalers (TAI) Toolkit. The Toolkit has been previously developed by our team (see here) and was now tested across 4 primary care settings and 4 secondary care settings, including 79 patients with asthma and/or COPD.

Healthcare professionals used the TAI to assess patient level medication adherence barriers and selected the right intervention for each barrier using the TAI Toolkit. Subsequently, healthcare professionals scored its usability and rated the the Toolkit with a mean System Usability Score (SUS) of 85.9. Overall, they found the Toolkit to be visually attractive, easy to use and gives good insight into patient level adherence barriers, thereby offering good potential for scale up in daily practice. Furture plans include the development of a pocket version and a digital version.
Read more about this study here.